The following information is provided with the hope that your questions pertaining to the 2024 voting process are promptly addressed.
If you do not find your answer in this section of our website, please send us an email using the last tab on this website that reads: Contact Us.
You may also text your question to (331) 529.1030. Please include your name with your question(s).
Finally, DuPage County Election Division office is (630) 407.5626.
Due to the millions of people who continue to enter our Country; & our concerns pertaining to the current status of our Country, your Vote has never been more important.
Our Vote is our voice; & each Vote will help determine the future of our County; & of We The People.
We must no longer Vote based on our personal or personality likes or dislikes of a Candidate. Nor should we Vote based on what someone else parrots to us. It is fair to assume that most of us will not form a personal friendship with the leaders of our State or of our Country. Therefore, it is imperative that we carefully Vote based on who we believe will restore & protect our Nation.
Resources will be provided in this section of our website to assist you in making a careful; thoughtful; & wise choice for whomever you Vote for.
Two of the most important factors to know before you Vote for a Candidate:
1. If a Candidate is running for re-election, what has she/he done for our Country?
2. What is the Candidate’s personal & work history?
“Actions speak louder than words.”