Newsletter  |  January 2024  |  No. 001.

Happy 2024! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas Season!  While the holiday season was quiet in the Hymes House, I am thrilled to share that I have healed from my freak accident and I was “cleared” by my doctors last week to return to normal life!  So grateful!



  • Beginning this year, RW of DC will meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.  A reminder notice of each meeting; & an Agenda will be released one week prior to each meeting.  Room size is based on attendance, so RSVP’s are appreciated.
  • Please feel free to email me announcements or events that you would like posted.
  • Check out our website at!  It is a work in progress.  Social media will follow.
  • For those who may not know – as of January 8th the Illinois State Board of Elections had not yet certified our Federal or State Candidates in DuPage County.  The last day to do so is tomorrow, Thursday, January 11th. (DuPage County Election Division).  Thoughts go out to all of our Candidates.
  • Lots of exciting and important opportunities to share with you as we start the new year! 


Good Reads – And More:

  • break through ides with Jeannie Ives
  • So much important Information in one resource!  Stay current on important local, State & Federal matters. 
“How wonderful is it
that nobody need wait a single moment
before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank



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