The Eagle
“Why an eagle? The eagle’s association with authority stems back to Roman times, when the bird was used as a symbol of governmental power. The founding fathers liked the idea of an eagle because it also symbolized strength, freedom, courage, and power. The hope was that these qualities mirrored those of the newly formed nation of America”.
The Olive Tree
”Here are four ways the olive tree is symbolized in today’s world:
1) Unity: The olive tree represents unity among diverse individuals or nations coming together for a common purpose. It serves as a reminder that despite differences, collaboration and understanding can lead to collective strength.
2) Resilience: The olive tree’s ability to survive harsh conditions symbolizes resilience and endurance. It serves as an inspiration for individuals facing challenges or setbacks, reminding them to stay strong and persevere.
3) Healing: Olive oil derived from the fruit of the tree has long been associated with healing properties. In modern symbolism, the olive tree represents not only physical healing but also emotional and spiritual well-being.
4) Sustainability: As an evergreen tree with a long lifespan, the olive tree signifies sustainability and environmental consciousness. It reminds us of the importance of preserving nature and living in harmony with our surroundings.
The olive tree continues to hold immense symbolic value in contemporary society. Its representation in modern art reflects themes of unity, resilience, healing, and sustainability – all concepts that resonate deeply with audiences seeking power through shared values”.