Why is Membership important? The more Members that we have – the more skills & ideas we can utilize. This makes our organization stronger, allowing us to accomplish more.
Please download and complete the Membership Application.
Return the completed form, together with the requested dues:
during our monthly meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month; or,
mail the completed form, together with the requested dues to:
RW of DC, 1042 Maple Avenue, Suite 241, Lisle, IL 60532
$50 per year. Primary Members receive full voting rights & privileges in RW of DC. Voting rights do not apply to associate Members.
If you would like to become a Member, but financial matters do not allow you to join us – please see the 2d Membership Application below. Your participation in Republican Women of Dupage County is important to us.
$20 per year. Available to conservative Republican women or men who wish to support RW of DC such as the spouse of an RW of DC Member. Voting rights do not apply to associate Members.
Membership Application Membership Dues Relief Application